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"dorothy" tornado sensor (wired version)
(harrison ford) hero m1 carbine rifle
(maggie q) bladed lasso
(sam worthington) sword hilt
hockey mask
"angus ix" taxidermied dog puppet
"antie" stop motion puppet
"believe" motion capture train ticket
"factory opened" newspaper clipping
"flotsam" robot puppet
"for luck" jar and penny
"hollows" album book
"last supper" mouse
"once upon a time" underworld book
"red dragon" watercolor painting
"smokey" the crackhead puppet
"the man that can'
"the noid" puppet
"the thing" creature mask
"the torso" display
"tim" mouse
"vesp" creature egg
"vesp" creature puppet
(jim carrey) rat prop
1953 playboy #1 magazine
a.c. raisin puppet
abe lincoln prop display
ace ventura'
adaa dodgeball rulebook
albert einstein bobblehead
alice’s (milla jovovich) light up memory device
alice’s (milla jovovich) para-ordnance p14 pistols
alien footprint castings
alien puppet
alien puppet and mothership console model miniatures
allie calhoun’s (gena rowlands) notebook
allspark shard
alz-113 canister
angela carson'
ant stop-motion puppet
apple of eden
archer puppet
archibald snatcher puppet face
argus cube
arrowhead artifact with gem
arthur spiderwick'
artwork signed by tim burton
ashlynn brooke'
astronaut puppet
avalon hibernation pod power module
baby groot maquette
background painting of halloween town sky
banquet table
barbara maitland'
bates motel brochures and room #4 key
battle droid head
battle-damaged federation corvette transport model miniature
beast (dan stevens) display
bedrock police badge
beebop raisin puppet
beetlejuice (michael keaton) t-shirt and shirt
beetlejuice miniature puppet
belle reve federal penitentiary cell key
bigfoot footprint maker
blackmarket puppet parts
blank jumanji map
blood oath marker
bloody bone key
body snatcher pods
bone key
book of shadows
bottle of "mouse maker" potion
brain gremlin cutout
bratzi puppet
breakaway key
bridge of the doomed filming slate
bruce nolan'
bucket list
buddi microchip
bug puppets and set
bull dragon'
burned blade puppet head
burrowers rod puppet creature
captain hook'
charles darwin (david tennant) stop-motion puppet & props
chicken pie
chilled monkey brains head
chris roth puppet double
christian grey'
circus mouse puppet with drum
circus mouse puppet with drum and symbols
circus mouse puppet with symbols
circus mouse puppet with trombone
circus mouse puppet with tuba
claydream clapper
clock housing case
complete "hammer" display
complete "juggernaut" display
complete "pilgrimess" display
complete "the torn prince" display
complete "the withered lover" display
complete battle damaged xenomorph
complete first born son display
complete jackal display
compsognathus "compy" puppet
conscription scroll
coraline head
cougar club "cougar" member necklace
countess’ (lady gaga) “iron maiden†trap
crawlie bug puppet
critter puppet
crypt keeper'
crystal shard
crystal superweapon
curious george goes to the hospital book
curled croquet hedgehog
dark nurse scalpels
davy jones'
dead formic egg
dexter morgan’s (michael c. hall) kill kit knife and blood collection tools
dexter’s (michael c. hall) blood slide box
dog cage
dormouse sword
dr. evil'
dr. frankenstein and "creation" puppets
dragon glass dagger
dragonheart clapper
e-5 blaster rifle
elephant token, note and money
elizabeth swann'
emissary predator mask
enoch (finlay macmillan) sfx heart
famine skeleton puppet
father paul hill’s (hamish linklater) hero flask and prayer beads
film logo items
finger removable block and tools
fish and shoe boxtroll puppet faces
fish puppet
fozzie bear'
frank, louie, bud, weis and er puppet display
freakshow carnival tickets
freddy krueger (robert englund) display
freddy krueger'
frostwolf orc axe, garona’s dagger, and tusk necklace
full-size gremlin skeleton
galgameth puppet
garden gnome
ghost reel
ghost rider'
gizmo puppet
gizmo xerox photo
goblin puppet head and helmet
goblin sword
godzilla egg
gold nugget and vintage picture
golden ticket & wonka bar display
good guy "chucky" doll
gotham city metropolitan police badge
grand high witch'
gremlin special f/x puppet
grid alien head
grinch bust
groper the frog puppet
guide to the apocalypse
gumby and pokey puppets
gumby puppet
gump ornament
hannibal lector’s (anthony hopkins) mask
harley quinn'
harry dunne'
harry potter’s (daniel radcliffe) scar prosthetic
harry the hook stop motion puppet and eels
helping hand glove
hero "arthur spiderwick'
hero "soul" pod
hero "zar'
hero crypt keepers book page
hero kursed stone
hero mr. boogie mask
hero tablet of ahkmenrah
hero time cartridges and insert timecodes
hfs drug
hidden wrist blade info
hill house door knob and hinges
hollywood sign
huckleberry finn puppet
hugh hefner'
human fabrication laser
indiana jones'
inkheart book
insert clapperboard
isaac izard'
jack skellington'
jack skellington’s house interior
jack sparrow voodoo doll
jaguar eye jewel and holder
jake lonergan'
jakob grimm'
jar of moon rocks
jason voorhees (ken kirzinger) display
jason voorhees'
jax teller'
jill valentine'
judge dredd'
judge hopkins puppet head
key to lore
key to the city
kitai raige'
knickers and eggs boxtroll puppet faces
krampus’ bell bauble
lament cube
lazarus machine elixir jar
leatherface display
leatherface mask
leatherlace’s (debbie rochon) costume and chainsaw
leif erikson'
leslie chow’s (ken jeong) stunt smith & wesson model 15 snub
letter and bus ticket to lewis barnavelt
lewis barnavelt'
lewis’s (owen vaccaro) magic 8-ball
life-size gremlin puppet
live fire black powder revolver
lloyd christmas'
lock and key to cyrus kriticos'
looney tunes: back in action filming slate
lord portley-rind puppet
lothar’s (travis fimmel) sword
lucy whitmore’s (drew barrymore) journal
lycan display
m6g personal defense weapon
magic wand
main hero necromancy book
management memo
manwhore award
margaret keane'
mark twain puppet
martian puppet
master yoda'
matrix of leadership
max da costa'
max medici’s (danny devito) dumbo training stick
mayan miniature figures
michael jackson raisin puppet
michael myers (chris durand) display
michael myers mask
miles blume'
miniature california raisins and manager puppets
miniature door to wonderland
miniature mine set and puppets
mitchell standard "skellington" 35mm animation film camera
mogwai pelt
mole and snail puppets
mole miner puppet
monkey, kubo and beetle faces display
morph puppet
mr. magorium'
mr. tweedy'
mrs. parker'
mummified facehugger
mungo puppet and soccer ball
musical jolly chimp toy
necronomicon flesh page
nell sweetzer'
nemesis display
newt scamander'
night frights: tales for after dark comic
nome stop motion puppet
nut sorting room walnuts
nux and max'
one of the four guards feet
one-eyed willie treasure coin
oogie boogie'
original playboy bunny costume
ouija board and planchette
oversized (smaller scale) insert dice
pathogen vial
penny robinson'
piece of "the great serpent"
pinhead (doug bradley) display
playboy magazine references
podling muppet
poltergeist iii clapper
pop-up book of london
pre-crime ball
predator spear
pressure gauge and hospital light
pulse rifle
pym shrinking serum
raccoon city police badge
raisinette puppet
rat, nail and cloth
recall syringe
red raisin puppet
rita vrataski'
ritual of chud artifact
roc" sword & scabbard
roland cox’s (samuel l. jackson) hero “powerstick†weapon
room keys 44 and 64 with door placard 64
roy and nick'
s "thou shalt not commit adultery" trophy
s "thou shalt not worship false idols" trophy
s (amy smart) prosthetic chin
s (andy serkis) prisoner collar
s (anna faris) hero venus fly trap
s (anthony perkins) retractable knife
s (back) costume piece
s (charlie hunnam) hoodie, t-shirt and sunglasses
s (daniel craig) gauntlet blaster
s (danny devito) umbrella
s (eddie redmayne) wand
s (eliza dushku) hero shirt
s (emily blunt) sword
s (fairuza balk) key to oz
s (geena davis) horror transformation mask
s (george clooney) cowl
s (halle bailey) dinglehopper
s (heath ledger) book of german folklore
s (heath ledger) knife
s (ian mcshane) tri-corn hat
s (james mcavoy) beretta
s (jamie dornan) s&m props
s (jason isaacs) hook
s (jay ryan) hero knife
s (jeff daniels) costume
s (jeffery dean morgan) bat “lucilleâ€
s (jessica chastain) screen-matched postcard
s (jim carrey) lucky prayer beads
s (john larroquette) magic bean contract
s (kamilla alnes) ice pick
s (kane hodder) arm cuffs
s (kane hodder) mask
s (kate beckinsale) hero costume
s (katheryn winnick) fight to the death shield pieces
s (katheryn winnick) knife
s (ken jeong) "shiitake mushroom" appliance
s (leslie jordan) cane
s (margot robbie) bat
s (marty moreau) bloody head trap
s (matt damon) locket
s (maxwell jenkins) toy robot
s (mila kunis) broom
s (mina sundwall) lost in space travel journal and pencils
s (natasha henstridge) "hero" bloody dress
s (nathan gamble) dolphin necklace
s (owen vaccaro) backpack
s (owen vaccaro) dictionary, decoder and vote for tarby pin
s (paul reubens) "x-ray spex"
s (paul reubens) hitchhiking thumb
s (richard dreyfuss) dive mask
s (rick overton) staff
s (robert carlyle) dark one dagger
s (robert englund) hero glove
s (ryan reynolds) twin iwi desert eagle mark xix pistols
s (sarah paulson) hypodermic sewing needle
s (screen used) head
s (sienna guillory) hero handgun
s (slyvester stallone) badge
s (steve carrell) smart tech badge
s (terry kiser) sunglasses
s (tobin bell) notepad
s (verne troyer) costume
s (wesley snipes) sword & scabbard
s (will smith) contract
s (withered lover) pic
s antler
s ash box, and ritual items
s badges
s baseball
s bed and dog bowl
s bedroom set and puppets
s bio helmet
s blood bag gauntlet
s book of scary stories
s bugs
s business card
s cake box
s cane
s cards
s chair and desk
s chalkboard
s chest glyph
s claws
s clock and playing card key
s creative side of the brain puppet
s cross
s cutless
s dice
s dog food
s dog puppet
s dress and notepad, pen, holy water used by cotton marcus
s electric chair and switch
s fish bone
s glass slippers
s gold medallion necklace
s hero (live fire) revolver
s hero and stunt knives
s hero double bladed axe
s hero eye glass and seeing stone
s hero journal & books
s hero knife
s hero live fire antigen gun
s hero live fire berettas
s hero scissorhands
s intelligence side of the brain puppet
s journal, anya'
s junk pile
s knife
s lightsaber
s look magazine
s mask
s miniature submarine
s mousetrap
s mousterpiece pictures
s oversized light-up eye
s peg legged parrot
s pet detective business card
s pet slugzilla puppet
s picture
s plasma pistol
s playboy covers shirt
s police badge
s popcorn
s private room key
s production used annotated binder
s railgun
s rocket launcher
s saucer
s screen used facial prosthetics
s scroll decree
s severed bikini
s shotgun
s shuriken
s special f/x needle pit arm
s straw boaters hat
s stunt crowbar
s sunglasses
s sword of triton
s teeth display
s trademark playboy pipe
s turret pistol
s universal studios office sign
s viking helmet
s whip
s wooden eye
s" field guide
s" mask
s" oxygen mask
s" underpants & hair piece
sacrificial dagger
safari hat
sally mckenna'
samara display
samcro patches
sandking creature
sarah bellows'
sawyer nelson'
scary movie 2 clapper
sealed necromancy book
sebastian caine’s (kevin bacon) mask
sector 7 police badge
selene’s stunt walther p99
sgt. carey mahoney'
shard of the division
sheep puppet
sheldon snail puppet
simon the mechanical bird puppet
skeksis cutlery
slow norris mask
smithsonian hourglass model miniature
smurf chair
sons of anarchy leather kutte
special f/x "hero" ghost glasses
special f/x cat
special f/x hero hacksaw
spike the rabbit puppet
spiky bulba puppet
ss georgie paper boat
star wars- episode vii: the force awakens clapper
steaming meat pie
steven spielburg'
stop motion deadite skeleton puppet
strike, xenia, lewie and boss puppets and lair set
striptease clapper
stuart little stand in and suitcase
stunt brick
sunkist wacky players tv commercial audience members
super seinfeld stop motion puppets
swollen archibald snatcher (ben kingsley) stop-motion puppet
sword of kings
syringe and blood cells
t breathe'
t-virus vial
tcri mutagen ooze vial
tears of the moon tree flower
ted bear
ten commandment killer'
terrigen crystal
thames dock cage skeleton
the "collector'
the "great child'
the complete arcanum
the neverending story book
the night of the living dummy book
the penguin'
the texas chainsaw massacre clapper
the toolbox
the wizard of oz burned version book
theodore roosevelt’s (robin williams) cavalry sword and scabbard
time scepter
tinkerbell (julia roberts) rotoscope model wings
tomorrowland pin
tranquilizer dart
trimaxion "morphing" miniature ship
turboman toy store figure
turtle mutagen
twinkle star hair spray can
v mask
variety of cheeses
velociraptor dna embryo for cryo can
vi photograph set
volt meter and bucket
voodoo doll and needle
wade watts’ (tye sheridan) goggles
wallace "were-rabbit" transformation head
warner bros. studios security guard badge
warrior chimp display
water strider bug
weasel alien puppet
wednesday and pugsley addams puppets
wendolene puppet armature
wet bandit'
wet bandits escape during prison riot newspaper
wet bandits escape newspaper
wicked witch of the west'
will robinson'
will vinton'
willard stenk puppet head
william drake book
wilson ball
winnie the pooh'
winnie the pooh'
wolf predator animatronic head
worm guy puppet
x-wing "blocking shot" miniature
xenomorph egg
youngling ashla'
yul puppet
zero puppet
zombie mask
“judge doom’s†(christopher lloyd) special fx eyeballs
“mac†(mysterious alien creature) puppet
“the eye of the needle" dagger
The above list is not all inclusive. It does not include words from file titles or descriptions. Try a full-text search.