Special F/X Cat
This special effects cat was used in the 2006 film PULSE. This dying cat can be seen when Mattie Webber (Kristen Bell) goes into Josh Ockmann's (Jonathan Tucker) apartment to check on him and hear's something coming from his hallway closet. When she goes and opens the door you see this cat lying on the floor. This cat was made and obtained from one of the leading special effects guys in the film industry.
Keywords: Special F/X Cat

Special F/X Cat

This special effects cat was used in the 2006 film PULSE. This dying cat can be seen when Mattie Webber (Kristen Bell) goes into Josh Ockmann's (Jonathan Tucker) apartment to check on him and hear's something coming from his hallway closet. When she goes and opens the door you see this cat lying on the floor. This cat was made and obtained from one of the leading special effects guys in the film industry.

fly_trap.JPG dress.JPG Pulse Cat Display.jpg ghosts_1.jpg Gremlin_Puppet_Display.jpg