Nemesis's Rocket Launcher
The Nemesis is featured in the 2004 film Resident Evil: Apocalypse, portrayed by Matthew G. Taylor and this is his rocket launcher. Formerly Matt Addison, a survivor of the events of the first film was infected with the T-virus after being scratched by a Licker and later captured and experimented upon by the Umbrella Corporation. Transformed into the Nemesis, it is sent to kill the surviving members of STARS, but remembers its humanity after fighting Alice, and fights alongside the protagonists towards the film's conclusion. Writer and producer Paul W. S. Anderson noted that the gun's addition was inspired by the idea of the Nemesis "walking around with a gigantic, powerful weapon in each hand and almost indecisive as to which one to use". This particular weapon has an digital electronic panel on the side that would count down on screen as the Nemesis shot the rockets.