Freakshow Carnival Tickets791 viewsThe Dire Mother is the ghost of Margaret Shelburn, a woman whose diminutive height constantly attracted stares from others. She joined a carnival freak show, but was raped by one of the other members ...
Complete "First Born Son" Display1727 viewsThe First Born Son is the ghost of Billy Michaels, a boy who loved Cowboy films. One day a neighbor found a real steel arrow in his parents' closet. He challenged Billy to a duel, with Billy using ...
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Special f/x "HERO" Ghost Glasses1834 viewsHere's a screen used set of "HERO" special f/x ghost glasses used in Thirteen Ghosts (2001),this particular set was used in the Benjamin Moss death scene. He is cut in half by two glass ...
The Complete Arcanum2294 viewsThis is a complete Arcanum "Book of the Ghosts" that was introduced in the 2001 film "Thirteen Ghosts" by the character Kalina Oretzia (Embeth Davidtz) in which she carries thougho ...
Complete "Hammer" Display2125 viewsThe Hammer is the ghost of a blacksmith, George Markley, who lived in a small town in the 1890s. He was wrongfully accused of stealing, and when threatened with exile, refused to leave town. A gang le ...
Complete "Jackal" Display889 viewsThe Jackal is the ghost of a 19th-century man named Ryan Kuhn, who began attacking prostitutes as an adult. He committed himself to an asylum in search of help but eventually went insane. The doctors ...
Complete "Juggernaut" Display2156 viewsThe Juggernaut is the ghost of a serial killer named Horace "Breaker" Mahoney. Standing seven feet tall, he was of such grotesque height and appearance that everyone ostracized him as a chil ...
Lock and Key to Cyrus Kriticos' Home1807 viewsThis is the door lock and key that was used on screen at the front entrance door to Cyrus Kriticos' glass house. This is the house that Cyrus imprisoned his captured ghosts, and is a very iconic p ...
Jean's (Withered Lover) Pic1416 viewsThis picture of Jean (Withered Lover) can be seen in the "Ghosts Files" special features of the film.Each of the ghosts has its icon,and this is the icon for jean that you select to see her ...
Complete "Pilgrimess" Display932 viewsThe Pilgrimess is the ghost of Isabella Smith; During colonial times, Isabella Smith sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to New England in search of a better life. But as the tight-knit townsfolk didn ...
Complete "The Torn Prince" Display1415 viewsThe Torn Prince is the ghost of Royce Clayton, a gifted baseball star in high school, albeit with attitude issues and a superiority complex. In 1957 he was challenged by a greaser named Johnny to a dr ...
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The "Great Child's" Underpants, Rattle & Hair Piece1511 viewsHarold (the Great Child), was born as a result of a rape and he eventually weighed over 300 pounds. Harold, spoiled, was raised as his mother's protector and kept a child-like mindset, to the poin ...
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