Star Wars- Episode II: Attack of the Clones

E-5 Blaster Rifle535 viewsThis is a screen used E-5 Blaster Rifle used in both George Lucas’ sci-fi prequels Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. This E-5 blaster rifle was the standard issue weapon for th ...

Battle Droid Head133 views"Roger, roger." – B1 Battle Droid
This is a screen used B1 Battle Droid head used in George Lucas’ sci-fi prequel Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. Ten years after initially meeting, ...

Youngling Ashla's Lightsaber74 viewsPrior to being chosen as Padawan Learners, children being trained in the force spent time as Jedi Younglings. One of their rites of passage was “The Gathering,†which was the harvesting of kyber c ...